How To Live To 100: Secrets From the World's Happiest Centenarians, Elizabeth Lopez, 2019, Leaders Press
Who doesn't want to live to be 100 years old? This book gives some details.
It focuses on an isolated part of present-day Costa Rica, which seems to have a higher-than-normal number of centenarians. There is no magic formula for longevity, but several things will certainly help. A positive or optimistic attitude toward life in general is a must. Their diet may not be very diverse, but it is certainly healthy. It consists of a lot of beans and corn and rice, all grown locally, along with some meat.
Another must is daily exercise, whether it is working in the fields, all day and every day, or running the local equivalent of a convenience store. Their grown children, and their families, usually live in the same village, so there is lots of human contact. Also included is a lot of socializing with friends and neighbors, and a lot of dancing. Last, but not least, there is a strong belief in God. They attend church frequently, and have what might be thought of as a fatalistic attitude (it's all up to God).
Sounds simple, doesn't it? It all comes down to adopting a "simple" lifestyle, not easy in this 24/7 online world. Even if a person can't totally change their lifestyle to reflect this book, just a small change can only help. This book is short, easy to read, it has pictures and short profiles of several centenarians, and is very much worth reading.
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