
Welcome!! My name is Paul Lappen. I am in my early 60s, single, and live in Connecticut USA. This blog will consist of book reviews, written by me, on a wide variety of subjects. I specialize, as much as possible, in small press and self-published books, to give them whatever tiny bit of publicity help that I can. Other than that, I am willing to review nearly any genre, except poetry, romance, elementary-school children's books and (really bloody) horror.

I have another 800 reviews at my archive blog: http://www.deadtreesreviewarchive.blogspot.com (please visit).

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Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Biblical Clock

The Biblical Clock: The Untold Secrets Linking the Universe and Humanity With God's Plan, Daniel Friedmann, Amazon Digital Services, 2019

For may years, it has seemed like science and religion see the world in totally different ways. This book attempts to reconcile those differences.

Did God create the world in one week or do biblical "days" last for thousands of years? Are the End Times coming in the foreseeable future? Those are the sort of questions explored by this book.

This is a lot different from (and much better than) the average science/religion book because it profiles those who thought about such questions throughout history. In 11th century France, Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki would sit in the back of the room at the Torah Seminary. If a concept wasn't understood by the students, like the phrase "it was good" from Genesis, he would think about it, and consult his own books. Writing up a clearer explanation of the not-understood concept on parchment, he would secretly insert it in the teacher's book. The next day, when the piece of parchment was found, Rabbi Yitzchaki made sure that he was in the room, but acted like he wasn't listening. Included in this book is a possible near-future scenario for the coming of the End Times.

This is a very interesting book. Those who are not religious might have a hard time with it. For everyone else, any book that can bring science and religion closer together, if not totally reconciled, is a good thing. It will take some effort on the part of the reader, but it is a first-rate piece of writing. It easily gets four stars, if not four-and-a-half stars.

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