
Welcome!! My name is Paul Lappen. I am in my early 60s, single, and live in Connecticut USA. This blog will consist of book reviews, written by me, on a wide variety of subjects. I specialize, as much as possible, in small press and self-published books, to give them whatever tiny bit of publicity help that I can. Other than that, I am willing to review nearly any genre, except poetry, romance, elementary-school children's books and (really bloody) horror.

I have another 800 reviews at my archive blog: http://www.deadtreesreviewarchive.blogspot.com (please visit).

I post my reviews to:

Amazon and B&N (of course)
and on Twitter

I am always looking for more places to post my reviews.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Rose Red and Other Modern Fairy Tales

Rose Red and Other Modern Fairy Tales, Kate Swansea, Rainhouse Press, 2020

These four novelettes are modern re-tellings of lesser known fairy tales, with a good amount of romance included.

Rose is a struggling entrepreneur in present-day San Francisco. She is being pushed, hard, to sell her business, and the entire building, to a shadowy entity called VF Enterprises. They have gone so far as to spray paint graffiti on her front window, and leave dog droppings by her front door. During a vacation at Lake Tahoe with Snow, her sister, Rose meets Matthew, a tech millionaire with his own connection to VF Enterprises.

A male medical student from the East Coast intentionally to attend a small college near Seattle. It is to get away from his rich and domineering family. He is about to be thrown out of school, on a charge of fraternity graffiti. That is, until he meets the science nerd daughter of the female Dean of the college, a Dean who sets new records for being cold and domineering. A modern re-telling of "The Princess And The Pea" takes place at a California winery.

This collection is very much worth reading. They are modern stories, with very good writing. The best part is that the romance is not overwhelming (coming from a non-reader of romances). The reader will not go wrong with this one.

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