
Welcome!! My name is Paul Lappen. I am in my early 60s, single, and live in Connecticut USA. This blog will consist of book reviews, written by me, on a wide variety of subjects. I specialize, as much as possible, in small press and self-published books, to give them whatever tiny bit of publicity help that I can. Other than that, I am willing to review nearly any genre, except poetry, romance, elementary-school children's books and (really bloody) horror.

I have another 800 reviews at my archive blog: http://www.deadtreesreviewarchive.blogspot.com (please visit).

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Friday, February 3, 2023

Personal Finance for Young Adults

 Personal Finance for Young Adults, Leon King, 2022

This book attempts to explain the basics of financial literacy, for all those young people who never learned about it in school.


It looks at alternatives to a regular 9-to-5 job, how to make more money in a job and setting financial goals. A budget, of some kind, is a very good idea. The first step is to know how you are spending your money, so, for the next couple of days, write down every expenditure.


Debt is not always a bad thing. The author introduces the reader to the world of credit cards and interest rates. At some point in a person's life, a car, and then a mortgage, will be needed. The book gives the basics. It also talks about investing, and planning for retirement.


Don't try to "get" this book in one sitting. It's OK to read it more than once. This book does a first-rate job of exploring the world of personal finance. For any young person who asks "What is financial literacy?" this book provides the answer. It is very much worth the time.

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