
Welcome!! My name is Paul Lappen. I am in my early 60s, single, and live in Connecticut USA. This blog will consist of book reviews, written by me, on a wide variety of subjects. I specialize, as much as possible, in small press and self-published books, to give them whatever tiny bit of publicity help that I can. Other than that, I am willing to review nearly any genre, except poetry, romance, elementary-school children's books and (really bloody) horror.

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Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Charisma Factor

 The Charisma Factor: Unlock the Secrets of Magnetic Charm and Personal Influence in Your Life, Leesa Rowland, Hatherleigh Press, 2021

Are some people born with charisma, and the rest of us are, permanently, out of luck? Is it necessary to be rich and famous before a person can be considered charismatic? According to this book, the answer to these questions is No.

What makes a person charismatic? What makes a person be one of those who lights up a room? Among the needed elements are: self-confidence, paying attention to what the other person is saying, being a good listener, communicating effectively, and looking the other person in the eye. But, don't stare at them, or you will look like a psychopath.

Is it possible to be charismatic at the office? Be able to troubleshoot all sorts of problems. Keep long-term goals in mind. Be confident enough to take risks when necessary. Work harmoniously with others. Be energetic; people will notice. Be able to think outside the box. Last, but not least, lead from the front.

Is physical attractiveness required to be charismatic? Consider Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Gandhi; both men had plenty of charisma, but neither could be considered handsome. Charisma is a muscle. It will take time for changes to be seen; it becomes easier with practice. The book gives details about strengthening your charisma muscle; it starts with getting out of your comfort zone.

This is a gem of a book. Even if a person can't do all the tips in this book, getting closer to the state of Charisma is a very good thing. This is easy to read, and is very much worth reading.

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